Cat Breed With Folded Down Ears

The Scottish fold is a medium-sized well-muscled cat with a heavy bone structure.
Cat breed with folded down ears. From the cats point of view the folded ears are unable to communicate the usual mood signals seen when a cat becoming angry or scared starts to flatten its ears for fighting. When Scottish Fold kittens are born they have normal ears and it takes about 2-3 weeks before they start to fold. The unrecognised Oriental Fold is a SiameseOriental type cat with folded ears I believe it came from attempts to breed colourpoint Scottish Folds.
The term Hemingway is often used in America to describe polydactyl cats mitten cats. A shepherd named William Ross noticed a white female cat on a farm belonging to Mr. Scottish Fold kittens are born with straight ears but they fold when they are around 21 days old.
The ears on this cat were folded in a strange way. The Scottish Fold is a calm and loving cat that works well with other animals including dogs and would do well in any household. Even with its folded ears there are no special diseases or hearing problems with the Scottish Fold.
CategoryCat breeds and types with bent ears. These cats with folded ears are bred to cats that do not display the folded ear trait to ensure none of the litter receive two copies of the gene. It is best not to breed a heterozygous Scottish fold with a Scottish fold that had straight ears but.
This category is for fold and curl cat breeds with bent ears. The popular cat is considered to be cute thanks to its folded down ears which lend its face an owl-like appearance but the genetic defect can cause the animals to. The breed has a natural gene mutation that affects the ears cartilage causing it to fold forward.
With an appearance thats often described as owl-like because of their folded down ears and short puffy fur that almost resembles feathers the Scottish Fold is an adorable and instantly recognizable cat. Scottish fold cats are a medium-sized breed weighing 6 to 12 pounds. This backwards flattening of the ears of non-Scottish Folds transmits to other cats that they are in fight mode and that the other cat should take heed and beware.