Extinct Animals Found Alive 2017

Extinct mammal found alive in Australia Posted on Saturday 16 December 2017 7 comments Finding a live crest-tailed mulgara came as something of a surprise.
Extinct animals found alive 2017. The scientist intended on bringing the specimen home for closer analysis but the creature went down in a shipwreck off the Cape of Good Hope less than a year later. DNA evidence suggests that the New Guinea highland wild dog is among the most primitive canines alive today and it may be a key ancestor of domesticated dogs. 7 BaijiYangtze River Dophin The baiji were dolphins found exclusively in the Yangtze River.
Not only has it been 31 years since its been seen but the fish it usually lives within are listed as threatened or endangered from overfishing. A team working in Sturt National Park to bring back locally extinct species unexpectedly found one that wasnt on the list the crest-tailed mulgara Dasycercus cristicauda a tiny carnivorous marsupial with a unique ability to survive in dry deserts. But then one was spotted a.
Ptychochromis only is a fish species that was become extinct by the IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature however Onilahy River system is large so there might be a possibility of remaining populations in the remote areas of the river. Its official rediscovery came in early 2019 after a five-day expedition during which a single female was found in a termite nest where the species typically burrows and nests 8 feet off the ground. A team of herpetologists recently announced the discovery of a lifetimefour Albany adders alive and well.
The crested gecko went AWOL for many decades and was believed to be extinct until it was found in. Here Are Some Supposedly Extinct Animals Found Alive. 22 species were also recorded whose presence in Honduras had previously been unknown including the endangered Great Green Macaw and a livebearing fish that scientists have only now discovered.
However its extinction was due to other factors. The crest-tailed mulgara was once. Locals who spotted the dead animal on the side of the road stuffed it and kept it at home until recently when they handed it over to the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
However this whale species is quite alive and not at all extinct. The speedy mouse-sized beast can run at speeds of up to 30kmh and was caught in the very first of 1259 traps set in 12 locations by researchers searching for the missing sengi. In July 2017 Forrest and his crew explore in the island of Java discovered a 8-foot-long 24 m cat caught on the thermal drone which may believe to be the extinct Javan tiger.