Warrior Cats Characters Into The Wild

This is the first casting call for WCAnimateds animated web series based on the WARRIORS series by Erin Hunter.
Warrior cats characters into the wild. Firestar is first seen in Into the Wild as a young kittypet named Rusty. The small tabby calls out to a gray-and-white kit pretending to be Brokenstar. However as he attacks his playmate he is flung into an angered Yellowfang who tells the kit off.
If you have any questions just leave a comment either on my account page or in the studio and Ill try to get to it as soon as possible. Firepaw watches as a group of ThunderClan kits play as he grooms Yellowfang. View source History Talk 0 This category is for characters in the book Into the Wild.
Smudge yowled in terror and sprang away tail streaming behind him. The book Into the Wild is the first book in the Warriors series by Erin HunterIt takes place in the present which I like because its easier to understand the words that they use like the word kittypet I enjoy the way that they speak because their wild cats so they refer to house cats as kittypets. It was written by author Kate Cary.
Barley- Black-and-white tom who lives on a farm close to the forest. Warrior cats from book 1. Noble warriors are dying -- and some deaths are more mysterious than others.
Rusty is a 6-month old kitten who has dreams of the forest. Any time he spat. We are now casting the first six characters appearing in our pilot INTO THE WILD - PART 1.
Instead of fleeing Rusty turns and fights back. His lasers formed a cage around her that were unbreakable. This category lists the characters from Into the Wild the first book of The Prophecies Begin.