Exotic Animals Names List

Achilles warrior in Greek.
Exotic animals names list. Feral Pig Sus scrofa 9. Australian Pine Casuarina equisetifolia 4. Axel-This cool name means someone who likes peace.
A gigantic display of power and therefore suitable for big dog breeds or if your pup has a very firm temperament. Todays showcase presents 50 of the most stunning and exotic animals that can be found between the two tropics creatures that most of us get to see in a zoo only during a lifetime. Amara everlasting in Italian.
LatherLeaf Colubrina asiatica 5. This is one of the most desired exotic animals in the world. Also an excellent name for dog breeds that belong to India like the Chippiparai the Combai the Bully Dog or the Mudhol Hound.
Perhaps the most common thing that car companies opt to name their cars after is from the animal kingdom. Regardless some names of exotic animals are included below. Originally from Australia they have long leaf-shaped extensions that are distributed throughout their body which helps them camouflage themselves.
Exotic animals - Bing Images elegant and graceful are two ways you could describe seahorses. Invertebrates consist of animals like insects worms crustaceans mollusks and cephalopods. Some animals such as certain rodents and fish typically live for fewer than 10 years on average.
Some regions have both a wet and a dry season where other type of flora and fauna flourishes. Exotic pets have a wide range of lifespans depending on their species. Melaleuca Melaleuca quinquenervia 2.